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Minne Johannis, known also as Minne Johannis Minnelia and Mynne Johannis emigrated from Friesland in The Netherlands, arriving 27 September 1663 on "de Statyn" his wife, Rensje Feddes (Feddans), four young children whom two were twins, his servant, and his wife's sister.

The date of his wife's death is not known but she is listed in 1677 with her husband as members of the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatbush, New York.

The family moved to Haverstraw where on 12 March 1684, Minne Johannis became the first High Sheriff of Orange County which was organized in 1683 and included present-day Rockland County.

In the Flatbush Dutch Church records of 9 May 1684 is the notation that Minne Johannis paid twelve guilders for a middle grave. This was probably for his wife as the same church records his betrothal on 1 April 1689 as follows:

"Minne Johannis Minnelia residing at Haverstraw, widower of Rensie Feddes, and Magdalena Henrixe, widow of Cornelia Vonk, and residing at Flackebos."

The same church records the baptisms of Magdalena's children:

    27 November 1681    Ada 4
                                   Barba 2
                                   Hendrik about 1/2
    of Cors. Vonck (dead) and Magdalena.

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Bergen Dutch Church Records (Holland Society Year Book 1915) #818, #819 -- Menno Johannis and his wife, Rensje Fedden, with certificate from Midwout. After her name, "Deceased."

According to Flatbush Dutch Church records, Minne Johannis purchased other graves in 1667, 1669, and 1680.

Minne Johannis died before the end of 1689 when Governor Leisler granted Letters of Administration to his eldest son Johannis Minne and Dirck Storm.

In 1693 his widow, Magdalena, married Agyas VanDyck. Minne Johannis resided in New Lots 1675; he was constable in Flatbush 1676, 1677 and 1679. On 5 January 1675, he purchased at auction the house and lot of Claes Claessen Smit in New Utrecht which he sold 17 December 1677 to Jan Verkerk and on 3 February 1680 he sold his farm in New Lots to William Morris.

On 4 May 1684 he petitioned for license to buy 3000 acres behind his Haverstraw farm. On 12 March 1684 he was instructed

"to repair to Minisink to inspect the lands and ascertain what was fit for settlement."

He was again commissioned High Sheriff of Orange County 4 October 1686 and on 20 December 1692, Stephanus Van Cortlandt applied for Letters of Administration on the estate of Minne Johannis, late of Orange County.

The children of Minne Johannis and Rensje Feddes, order of birth uncertain, were: (Surname Minnes, Minnens, Minnelaj)

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2 i Johannis born circa 1654 in Friesland, died circa 1710; married 4 June 1693 Anneken Joachims of Flushing.
3 ii Jannetje born in Friesland, married 26 January 1689 in Flatbush to Hendrick Luykesse Stevense Voorhees.
4 iii Albert born in Friesland married Miensje (Meenske) Jans 9 November 1684 at Flatbush.
5 iv Pieter no record found after 26 October 1703 when he witnessed the baptism of Albert 2's son.
6 v Grietje possibly born in Friesland; married (1) 20 June 1686 Harmen Douwenzen Taelman;
(2) Abram Blauvelt.
7 vi Elizabeth married Marten Roeloffse (See Tappan Dutch Church Baptisms #47--History of Rockland County--Cole, Rev. D.D.)
8 vii Gertruy -- could have been a twin of Albert or Jannetje.


Born in Friesland, married 4 June 1693 Anneken Joachims. Johannis was called the eldest son in 1689 when Letters of Administration were granted to him and Dirck Storm. In the "History of Rockland County" by Rev. David D. Cole, D.D. -- 1884, there is considerable space devoted to Johannis Minne who purchased in 1695 the DeHarte patent -- land in several parcels which belonged to Balthazer and Jacobus DeHarte and embraced much of what are now Haverstraw and Grassy Point. Johannis died circa 1710.

Johannis and Anneken had:

9 i Rensje, baptized in Tappan 24 October 1695. She married Lodowick Post.

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Born in Friesland, like Johannis, came to this country with his parents in September 1663. He was named in Governor Andros' patent of lands in New Lots, 28 March 1676. In July 1681 he was given a certificate from the Dutch Reformed Church of Flatbush to "Esopis". His betrothal and marriage are recorded at the Flatbush church:

"Betrothed 18 October 1684 Albert Minnes j.m. and Meinsje Jans, spinster, from Vriesland, residing in New Amersfoort, married in New Amersfoort 9 November 1684."

He was appointed 28 April 1704, Justice of the Peace in Tappan, New York.

Meinsje Jans whose name appears variously as Mynske, Meensje, Jans, Jepes, Hans, etc., was the daughter of Jan Jacobsz DeVries. She is mentioned in the records of the Orphan Masters' Court transcribed in the Holland Society Year Book of 1900, p. l28 --

"10 December 1666 -- Tietske Gerrits, late wife of Jan Jacobsz Devries died leaving four minor children, Gerrit, Oewe, Mynske, and Grietie Janske Devries. Jan Jacobsz intends to marry Briete Olofs, widow of dec'd Pieter Cornellisen Sweet. Focke Jansz, Cornelis Aerts Guardians."

Grietie Jans appears subsequently to have married Jan Herrickse Crankheyt and she and her husband, as well as Meinsje and Albert, are to be found in the records of the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow as sponsors for each others' children at baptism.

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Gerrit Hansz, brother of Meinsje, married Jannetje Rems, 20 January 1685 in Flatbush.

Albert and Meinsje had: (Surname Minnes, Minnens, Minnelaj)

10 i Rensje baptized in the Dutch Church, Brooklyn, New York 30 October 1692. d.y.
11 ii Aeltje baptized 15 July 1697, died 10 August 1779; married 17 April 1717, William Campbell.
12 iii Jannetie baptized 13 April 1700.
13 iv Albert baptized 26 October 1703, recorded both at Sleepy Hollow and Corlandtown.
14 v Antje baptized 13 August 1706.
15 vi Cytie (Seyte) baptized ?, married Cornelis Smidt, also called Cornelis Cornz. Smidt, at Tappan, New York.


(Albert(2), Minne(1))
Baptized 26 October 1703, married circa 1734, Heleena Smallens "or Dinse." Just who Heleena (Leena) Smallens (Smael, Dinse) was has not been proven.

The children of Albert and Heleena (Smallens) Minnelaj were: (Surname Minnes, Minnens, Minnelaj, Minner)

16 i Albert born 10 September, baptized 17 October 1736.
17 ii Jacobus born 8 October, baptized 4 November 1744.
18 iii Catherine born 15 March, baptized 26 June 1757.

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There were perhaps others besides these who were baptized at Tappan.

There is a family tradition that Heleena had many relatives who were boatmen. We may presume that Friloft (Freelove) and Johan Smaling were in some way related as they participated in baptismal services in Orange County, New York, circa 1745.

(Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 8 October 1744, died 26 April 1823. He married Catrina, daughter of Abraham and Jannetie (Ackerman) Martlings, Jr., who was born 15 August 1748 and died 12 August 1826. This couple with their son Daniel and family are buried in Sparta Cemetery, Scarborough, New York.

Jacobus, recorded as Meine, Mineal, Minne, Minner, Minnelaj and Minnerly, was a member of the Orange County Militia before the Revolution. He also served several enlistments in the American Revolution with forces from Dutchess and Westchester Counties. He used also the Anglicized name, James. He lived with his wife and family on Hardscrabble Road, Pleasantville, on the Underhill Lynch property which he purchased from the Commissioners of Forfeiture in December 1785.

Children of Jacobus and Catrine (Martlings) Minnerly were:

19 i Albert born 1 January, baptized 2 February 1766, died 1849.
20 ii Daniel baptized 22 April 1770, died 1845, T SC.
21 iii Jannetie born 23 March, baptized 9 May 1772.

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22 iv Jacobus (James) born 1 May, baptized 7 July 1774; married Polly Hammond.
23 v John married.
24 vi Mary married Daniel Delanoy.
25 vii William born 1781, died 1644; married Elizabeth Lambert.
26 viii Elizabeth born 1783, married David Delanoy.
27 ix Abraham married Sarah Ladue. She married (2) Abraham VanTassel.
28 x Catherine born 15 September, baptized 2 October 1765, married James Delanoy.
29 xi Rachel baptized 1793.
30 xii Sarah married John Ogden.


William(5)     errata
(Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 1761, died 3 November 1844, married Elizabeth Lambert. She died before her husband. They are buried in the Old Dutch Burying Ground near the path that runs from the church to Washington Irving's grave.

Another William who died in Monticello, New York, is buried near. When the History Society of the Tappan Zee transcribed in 1926 the burying ground records, they included only one William and in 1953, William Graves Perry transcribed the record of only one, but not the same one.

The children of William and Elizabeth (Lambert) Minnerly were:

31 i Abraham.
32 ii Cynthia married ------ Delanoy.
33 iii Mahala born circa 1815 (age 55 in the 1870 census) married Capt. Elijah Minnerly born circa 1813 (age 57 in the 1870 census). Mahala died 1897; he, 26 March 1889.

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34 iv Andrew Jackson born 9 January 1815, died 12 May1894; married Harriet Wicks.
35 v Albert.
36 vi Levi believed to have gone West.
37 vii Edward.
38 viii Eliza married Andrew Dutcher February 1824.
39 ix Rachel.
40 x Maria married Abraham D. Yerks 3 November 1832.
41 xi Harvey Ferris married (1) Phebe Nickerson; married(2) ?. Lived in New York City.


Andrew Jackson(6)
(William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 9 January 1815, died 12 May 1894 in North Tarrytown; married Harriet, daughter of Abel and Anna (Taylor) Wicks, born 20 October 1811, died 24 April 1883. This couple was active in the Methodist Protestant Church of North Tarrytown of which Andrew Jackson Minnerly was a trustee.

The children of Andrew Jackson and Harriet (Wicks) Minnerly were:

65 i Ann E. born 1842, married William M. Remsen.
66 ii Harriet born 1848, d.y.; buried in the Old Dutch Burying Ground with grandparents, William and Elizabeth.
67 iii Abel d.y.; buried near Harriet and his grandparents.
68 iv Sarah Frances born 1839, married Edwin Lavender and had:
Edwin who died when a very young man d.s.p.,
and Harriet E. d.s.p.
69 v Constantine Esler born 14 February 1845, died in the Town of Mt. Pleasant, 31 October 1929.
70 vi Albina buried in Sparta Cemetery with her maternal grandparents, Abel and Anna (Taylor) Wicks. Albina died in infancy.

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Ann E. who married William M. Remsen had sons, Daniel and George. George married ----- Angevine. They had: George who was principal in schools in the City of White plains, New York, Arthur, Hazel, Edward, Ethel, Lester and Lillian. Ann E. (Minnerly) Remsen died as a young woman and her son, George, lived with his maternal grandparents.

Sarah Frances, born 1839, married Edwin Lavender. Their daughter, Harriet E., taught for many years in the North Tarrytown School System. She had very superior artistic talents and drew and painted very well. Neither Harriet E. nor her brother who died as he was just entering manhood married. Sarah Frances' line stops with this family. They are buried back of the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow near the road that leads to the Rhinelander Vault.

Constantine Esler(7)
(Andrew Jackson(61) William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born in the Town of Mt. Pleasant, Westchester County, in the section now included within the bounds of North Tarrytown, 14 February 1845, died in the Town of Mt. Pleasant, 31 October 1929. He was married in Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, Tarrytown, by the Rev. John W.B. Wood, 24 April 1877, to Lucy Isabella Nossitter. She was the daughter of Charles and Marianna (Hamblin) Nossitter, and was born in New York City 30 January 1851,and died in Tarrytown 28 June 1927. (Bible records in possession of the author.)

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Marianna Hamblin and her sister, Tabitha, who married Peter Ameli and lived in Brooklyn, New York, came to America from England with their parents when the girls were children. There was also a brother who moved to Chicago.

Constantine Esler and Lucy Isabelle Minnerly were active in the work of St. Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church which stood at the junction of North Broadway and New Broadway, the latter then called Jones Avenue, North Tarrytown. He was a trustee of the church. He was in the construction business and many of the houses which he built are still standing. One of the earliest is on the southeast corner of Pine Street and New Broadway. He once told the author that he built that for his parents.

Constantine Esler and Lucy Isabella Minnerly had:

71 i Percy Charles born 23 February 1878, died 22 February 1958
  ii A son who died at birth, buried 30 July 1887 at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Constantine Minnerly's plot.

Percy Charles(8)
(Constantine Esler(7), Andrew Jackson(6), William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 23 February 1878, died 22 February 1958; married 24 June 1901, Phernetta Elizabeth, daughter of Frederick G. and Catherine Elizabeth (Ingram) Miller of Downsville, Delaware County, New York. She was born 16 May 1881 and died 21 May 1977 in North Tarrytown. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. John Greenleaf Oakley, D.D., at St. Paul's Church, mentioned previously.

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It was while Phernetta Elizabeth Miller was a guest in the Oakley borne that she first met Percy Charles Minnerly. That house, the church parsonage, is still standing at the foot of Bedford Road -- a large red brick building presently owned by the Hennessey family.

Percy Charles Minnerly was an architect. He designed the Methodist Church on Depeyster Street, North Tarrytown, now owned by the Church of the Immaculate Conception, as well as many other public buildings and private homes here and abroad.

During World War I he was a member of the Westchester County Sheriff's Emergency Force and in World War II he was engaged in defense work although he did not hold military rank.

Percy Charles and Phernetta Elizabeth (Miller) Minnerly had:

72 i Alice Louise born 12 June 1902.
73 ii Arthur Greenleaf born 21 October 1904, died 22 May 1956.

Alice Louise, born 12 June 1902, married 30 June 1928, James Garfield, son of George Washington and Margaret (McCreery) Runyon. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. John Knox Allen, D.D., of the First Dutch Reformed Church of North Tarrytown, at the bride's residence. There were no children of this marriage.

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Alice Louise graduated from the old Sleepy Hollow Elementary School, the North Tarrytown High School, New Paltz State Normal School, Guilmant Organ School and earned a Bachelor of Science, 1943, and a Master of Arts degree, 1947, from New York University. In addition, she did much post-graduate work, taking courses beyond the Master's degree. She studied organ with the late Lew White, concert artist, and with the late Willard Irving Nevins.

She worked in research and administration at the Philipse Castle Restoration in North Tarrytown, headed the research and worked as Associate Director of Sunnyside Restoration, the home of Washington Irving. She was an incorporator of Sleepy Hollow Restorations, corporate secretary and Associate Director, working with the late Hugh Grant Rowell, M.D., D. Hum. (See "Who's who of American Women" -- all editions; "Dictionary of International Biography -- 1976-77.)

Arthur Greenleaf(9)
(Percy Charles(8), Constantine Esler(7), Andrew Jackson(6), William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Was born in North Tarrytown, 21 October 1904; died in North Tarrytown 22 May l956. He graduated from the old Sleepy Hollow Elementary School, the North Tarrytown High School and was trained as an Electrical Engineer. During World War II he was engaged in defense work in Alabama and with Eastern Aircraft. At the time of his death he was employed by an engineering firm in New York City.

Arthur Greenleaf Minnerly married 30 December 1937, in the First Dutch Reformed Church, North Tarrytown, Robert T. Taylor, D.D., officiating, Virginia May Church, daughter of Ira and Jennie Church of Virginia Beach, Virginia. She was born 29 June 1913 at Oceana, Virginia.

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Arthur Greenleaf and Virginia May (Church) Minnerly had:

74 i Robert Church born 18 March 1939 in Tarrytown.
75 ii Roger Charles born 16 March 1946 in Tarrytown.
76 iii Dean Paul born 18 August 1952 in Tarrytown.

Arthur Greenleaf was a member of the National Society Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, of the North Tarrytown Fire Patrol of which his paternal grandfather had been one of the first members. Arthur also belonged to several professional societies associated with engineering.

He is buried in the family plot at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery wherein are interred four generations of the immediate family.

Robert Church(10)
(Arthur Greenleaf(9), Percy Charles(8), Constantine Esler(7), Andrew Jackson(6), William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 18 March 1939 in Tarrytown, New York, attended the North Tarrytown High School and graduated in the last class, June 1956, prior to the union of the two school systems -- Tarrytown and North Tarrytown -- to form The Public Schools of the Tarrytowns. He attended the University of Pittsburgh. He belongs to the Sons of the American Revolution, is a Life Member of the Sons of the Revolution and the Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry. He also belongs to the Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims and Osiris in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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Robert Church Minnerly married 12 May 1972, in New Orleans, Rea Josephine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell Meyers of that city. She was born in Birmingham, Alabama, 4 January 1938 and educated at Louisiana State University and the Garner Secretarial School. She is a member of Founders of New Orleans and a descendant of a Patriot who fought in the American Revolution.

Robert Church and Rea (Meyers) Minnerly have one daughter, Elizabeth Mathilde born in New Orleans, 14 March 1975. They live in Harahan, Louisiana.

Roger Charles(10)
(Arthur Greenleaf(9), Percy Charles(8), Constantine Esler(7), Andrew Jackson(6), William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 16 March 1946 in Tarrytown, New York, attended the North Tarrytown Elementary School and the Sleepy Hollow High School from which he graduated. He also attended the Art Students League and the New York School of Mechanical Dentistry.

Roger Charles married on the 14 September 1974, in Creston, Ohio, Janice Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schar of Sterling, Ohio. She was born 27 June 1950 at Lodi, Ohio. They live in Columbus, Ohio, in which city he is employed.

Roger Charles belongs to the National Society Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims, the Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry and is a legatee member of Descendants of the Crown of Charlemagne in the United States of America.

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Dean Paul(10)
(Arthur Greenleaf(9), Percy Charles(8), Constantine Esler(7), Andrew Jackson(6), William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Was born 18 August 1952 in Tarrytown. He was baptized 26 October 1952 in the Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow by the Rev. William Buitendorp, on the anniversary of the baptism of Albert(3) (Albert(2) Minne(1))on 26 October 1703 in the same church. At the baptism of Dean Paul were: a descendant of Frederick Philipse, a descendant of Gerard C. Beekman, a descendant of Guilliam Bertholf, first clergyman of the church, and several descendants of members of the first congregation.

Dean Paul attended the elementary schools in North Tarrytown but attended high school in Virginia Beach, Virginia from which he was graduated. He also attended Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia.

He is a member of National Society Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims and is a legatee member of the Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry.


Daniel(5)     errata
(Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Was born 1770, baptized 22 April 1770, died 1845. He married Jemima Sharpney (Sharpenet) and had:

55 i Caty born 1792.
56 ii George born 15 August, baptized 21 October 1798. He married Permelia -----.
57 iii James born 26 November 1800, baptized 11 January 1801.
58 iv Daniel born 12 January, baptized 29 October 1803.
59 v Isaac born 20 April 1805, baptized 5 January 1806, married Jane Jones, 1829.
60 vi Betsy Jane born 30 January, baptized 11 March 1810.

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61 vii Probably also a daughter, Eunice, and a son, William Edgar. In Sparta Cemetery in the plot with Daniel and Jemima, and his parents, is Mary Ann, wife of William Edgar Minnerly, died 12 October 1845. (See page 27 regarding William and brothers and sisters.)

(Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Was born 1 May, baptized 7 July 1774, married Polly, daughter of Staats and Elizabeth (Martling) Hammond.

James and Polly (Hammond) Minnerly had:

62 i Staats Hammond born 13 September 1797, baptized 23 September 1798. ODCSH.
63 ii Catherine born 12 October 1799, baptized 1 May 1601. ODCSH.
64 iii Elijah born 11 February, baptized 15 May 1802.
64a iv Elisha born 1805, married Ann Wheeler and lived in the vicinity of Kingston, New York. The information about Elisha was sent to the author about 25 years ago by one of Elisha's descendants.

(Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Was born 1 January, baptized 2 February 1766, died 17 May 1849. T ODEG. He married Jane (Jannetje) Ecker (Acker) who was baptized 11 September 1763 and died 11 January 1831. T ODBG.

Albert and Jane (Ecker) Minnerly had:

42 i Albert who married Ann VanTassel.
43 ii Abraham.
44 iii James.
45 iv Levi born circa 1795 (Age 74 in 1870 census).
46 v William.
47 vi Henry.
48 vii John N. -- lived in New York City.
49 viii Rachel married Stephen See 20 December 1823.
50 ix Mary.

All of the above named children were mentioned in Albert's will. (Westchester County Court House, White Plains, New York.)

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(Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Married 7 November 1825, Ann VanTassle [sic.]. The marriage is recorded in the First English Record Book (Dutch Reformed Church of Sleepy Hollow, #257).

She was born 17 October, baptized as Anne Nap 15 November 1801, daughter of John VanTassel and wife. She died 29 October 1856. On her tombstone in the Old Dutch Burying Ground, she is called Nancy K. obviously to avoid confusion because of another Anne, daughter of another John VanTassel.

Albert and Anne (Nancy K. VanTassel) Minnerly had:

51 i (Abraham. ODCSH.
52 ii (Isaac twins born 22 October 1826, baptized 20 February 1831.
53 iii James Lemuel born 6 November 1828, baptized 20 February 1831, married Emeline L. They had a son Elias B. who died 11 June 1890 age 32. Town of Mt. Pleasant Records.
  iv Elijah VanTassel born 24 March, baptized 7 December 1832, died 14 October 1834.
54 v William Francis born 16 July 1835, died 15 May 1896.

(Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 1794, married 9 October 1815 Sarah Knapp, born 26 November 1790, died 14 June 1842. He married (2) Jemima Banker. Abraham died 28 January 1873. He and both wives are buried in plot 1264, Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. Sarah Knapp Minnerly's remains were moved from the Old Dutch Burying Ground (Cemetery Records).

Abraham and Sarah (Knapp) Minnerly had:

94 i (Joel born 14 April, baptized 22 October 1820.
95 ii (Albert a twin to Joel. ODCSH.

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96 iii Eliza Jane born 15 September, baptized 15 October 1823. ODCSH.
97 iv Catherine K. born 8 July 1827 (Tombstone), baptized ODCSH, date not given in First English Record Book.
98 v Abraham See, called Abraham C. on his death certificate, born 1830.

(Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born circa 1795 (Age 74 in 1870 census) married Eliza Sherwood 27 November 1822. ODCSH. She was probably born circa 1802, the daughter of Solomon and Hannah Sherwood.

Levi and Eliza (Sherwood) Minnerly had:

  i Ann Maria died 1826 in infancy. ODBG.
  ii Ann Maria died 1828 in infancy. ODBG.
  iii Sylvester died 1835 in infancy. ODEG.
  iv Sarah Jane died 20 March 1836, age 4 years, 4 months, 11 days. ODBG.
  v George L. died 1838 in infancy. ODBG.
78 vi (Elijah born 1843, baptized 16 September 1844, married Emma A. -------.
79 vii (Elisha born 1843, twin to Elijah, married Esther Merritt.
80 viii Ann Eliza W. born 21 June 1840, died 23 November 1888 (Tombstone); married William Jay Lovett.
81 ix Vincent.
82 x Lucinda.
83 xi Hannah.

(Albert(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Son of Albert and Anne (Nancy K. VanTassel) Minnerly was born 22 October 1826, baptized 20 February 1831, married Jane DeVouw (DeVoe).

Isaac and Jane (DeVouw) Minnerly had:

87 i Anson H.
88 ii Arthur Milton.

Anson H.(8)
(Issac(7), Albert(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Married Susan Bebee.

Anson and Susan (Bebee) Minnerly had:

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89 i Norman A. born in North Tarrytown, 7 March 1882, died 22 July 1957 at Oneonta, New York. He married Anna I. and they had one son, Carlisle, who lived in Ossining and Croton. He married Lillian Nelson Weeks and had one son Carlisle P. who at the time of his father's death on 4 July 1978, was living in Cornwall, New York.
90 ii Flora married Thomas Costello and had one daughter, Beatrice, who is the widow of Fred H. Weeks, is retired and lives in Ossining. There are adult Weeks children.

Arthur Milton(8)
(Isaac7, Albert6, Albert5, Jacobus4, Albert3, Albert2, Minne1)
Married Cora and had:

91 i Warren who married Estelle and had two daughters, Eleanor and Evelyn, and a son, Douglas.
92 ii Bessie who married Frank Orton and had one daughter, Isabel.
93 iii Howard, who married but had no children.

Arthur Milton, who went by the name of Milton Minnerly, was Chief of Police of North Tarrytown during the World War I period.

Bessie, Warren and Howard were very musical. They had the ability to improvise and often played in theatres before the days of talking pictures when a musician had to adapt the music to the subject and style of the picture. Milton and Warren Minnerly lived on Gorey Brook Road in North Tarrytown.


William Francis(7)
(Albert(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4) Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 16 July 1835 in the Town of Mt.Pleasant, died in Tarrytown when his horse became frightened and ran away. He was thrown from his wagon which caused a brain concussion. He died 15 May 1896. He married Sarah E. VanWart, 1 January 1855. She died 3 July 1910.

William Francis and Sarah E. (Vanwart) Minnerly had:

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123 i Alvah Edson born 23 October 1855, died 8 November 1912; married Emma Morris born 4 August 1861, died 14 June 1939 T SHC.
124 ii Nettie V. born circa 1861, died 1934; married Andrew Berkey.
125 iii Ella D. born 1866, died 1892. She was a music teacher.
126 iv Harry S. born 1870, died 1926.
127 v Louis died 23 July 1889, age 8 years, 7 months (Town of Mt. pleasant Records).
128 vi Walter H. born 12 April 1874, married 27 May 1896, Grace White.
129 vii Anna died between 1900 and 1906; unmarried.

Alvah Edson(8)
(William Francis(7), Albert(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 23 October 1855, died 8 November 1912; married Emma Morris, born 4 August 1861, died 14 June 1939. Alvah Edson Minnerly was in the drygoods business in Tarrytown for many years. He went by the name of Edson Minnerly. He and Emma (Morris) Minnerly had:

130 i A son.
131 ii Harold, Sr. who married and had H. Edson, Jr., living in Rocky River, Ohio, in 1975. Possibly others.

Walter H.(8)
(William Francis(7), Albert(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 12 April 1874 in Tarrytown, died 19 November 1958, in Roxbury, New York; married 27 May 1896, Grace White, born 19 August 1874 in Roxbury, died 14 December 1943. Walter H. and Grace (White) Minnerly had:

132 i Walter Francis born 18 September 1897 at Roxbury, New York.
133 ii James Harvey born 24 February 1910.

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Walter Francis(9)
(Walter H.(8), William Francis(7), Albert(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born in Roxbury, New York, 18 September 1897, married 27 September 1928 Ruth Bull. Of this union there is one daughter, Mina Elizabeth, born 9 March 1931.

Walter Francis Minnerly married (2) Grace Sherwood Tatro 7 December 1962. There are no children of the second marriage.

Dr. Minnerly is a retired dentist presently living in Venice, Florida.

Nettie V.(8)
(William Francis(7), Albert(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Married Andrew Berkey who was a wheelright and had a business on Beekman Avenue in North Tarrytown. Nettie V. (Minnerly) Berkey was an organist and for many years played and directed the choir in the Asbury Methodist Church, Tarrytown, now called the United Methodist Church of the Tarrytowns. She and Mr. Berkey had two sons one of whom, Dr. Howard Berkey, a dentist, passed away in 1977 after a long illness, a much beloved and highly respected citizen of the Tarrytowns.


(Levi(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 1843, a twin of Elisha, married Emma Ann -------. They lived at Archville, between North Tarrytown and Scarborough, and had:

84 i Herbert who married twice. Children of the first marriage were James Herbert and Russell.
85 ii Everett W. who married Fredericka Gehringer and had William and a daughter who married Arthur Deems.

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(Levi(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 1843, died 4 August 1890 (Tombstone); married Esther Merritt, born 6 January 1860, died 16 August 1890. Elisha and Esther (Merritt) Minnerly had:

  i Webster B. born 1886, died 1892.
  ii Mabel.
    There were, perhaps, others

Ann Eliza W.(7)
(Levi(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 21 June 1840, died 23 November 1888; married William Jay Lovett, born 23 January 1832, died 6 February 1922. William Jay and Ann Eliza W. (Minnerly) Lovett had:

86 i Lillian C. born 7 June 1878 in North Tarrytown, died 27 June 1944.
  ii Nellie died 1876 in infancy.


(William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born circa 1815, died 1897. She married Capt. Elijah Minnerly, born circa 1812. They lived in North Tarrytown but his parentage has not been identified with certainty. Family tradition is that Mahala and Capt. Elijah were cousins. He was not Elijah, son of James and Polly (Hammond) Minnerly, neither was he Levi's son, Elijah, twin brother of Elisha. There was an Elijah in the descendants of Daniel who settled in Yonkers and although this writer has not been able through examinations of wills and other legal documents to make positive identification at this time, there is much to support the belief that Capt. Elijah Minnerly had roots in Yonkers. Mahala and Capt. Elijah Minnerly had:

  99 i Charles born 13 September 1838 in Yonkers.

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100 ii Theodore.
101 iii Watson.
102 iv Clarissa.
  v Mary died 1839 in infancy ODBG.
  vi Rosco died 1850 in infancy ODBG.
  vii Monroe died 1853 in infancy ODBG.

(Mahala(6), William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Was born 13 September 1838 in Yonkers, New York, died 25 August 1925 in North Tarrytown. He married Martha L. Walworth, born 23 March 1837, died 3 January 1923 in North Tarrytown. (Information supplied by their granddaughter, Mrs. Peter Andersen, Tarrytown, and via tombstones in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery.)

Charles and Martha (Walworth) Minnerly are buried in the George Walworth plot in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. They had:

103 i Bayard born 12 December 1875 in Yonkers, died 6 October 1966.
104 ii Harriet W.

(Charles(7), Mahala(6), William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 12 December 1875 in Yonkers, died 6 October 1966; married (1) Lillian C. Lovett (see 86), (2) Carrie Allen Henderson, a widow. She was born 1874, died 9 May 1960.

Bayard Minnerly's children were of the first marriage. Bayard and Lillian C. (Lovett) Minnerly had:

105 i Delma born 13 April 1898, married 25 June 1919, Peter Andersen. There is one son of this marriage, Peter, now living in Cincinnati, Ohio.
106 ii Helen born 1899, married William Brumble and had Virginia, Barbara and William.
107 iii Lester B. born 1901 d.s.p.

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108 iv Merle born 1902, married John Gray. There are children of this marriage.
109 v Mildred born 1907 married W. Kirby. There are two daughters of this marriage, Doris and Marilyn, who married Howard Pyle.
  vi Lillian died in infancy.


(Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Married 20 December 1823 ODCSH Stephen See. They had a daughter, Jane, born in New York City, who married Joseph Leonhard and had a daughter, Ida. Ida married James H. Cruger and had: Ida who married -----Mowatt, a daughter who married A.L. Trevillian, and sons, Donald, Leonard and Carlton Cruger.

Abraham See(7)
(Abraham(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born 1830, died 27 June 1909, age 79 (Death Certificate); married Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sarah (Brown) VanTassel. Mary Elizabeth was born 1 January 1832 in the Town of Mt.Pleasant, died 5 December 1916 in North Tarrytown (Civil Records).

Abraham See and Mary Elizabeth (VanTassel) Minnerly had:

114 i John Abram born circa 1850.
  ii Isabella d.y.
115 iii Edward. E. married Delia -----.
116 iv Melissa born 19 september 1854, died 20 June 1938.

John Abram(8)
(Abraham See(7), Abraham(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Born circa 1850, married Ellen H. -----, written also as Nellie H., born circa 1852.

John Abram and Ellen H. (-----) Minnerly had:

  i Lillian M. (8 years old in 1880 census).
  ii Iola (7 years old in 1880 census).
  iii Edward C. (4 years old in 1880 census).
  iv Mary born after 1880, married Thomas Joyce and had one daughter.

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Iola, named above, married Alfred Blouin and had Alfred, Earl, Jack and Grace. Grace married Martin Connelly and had Martin, Jr., and William. Grace (Blouin) Connelly died November 1977. She attended the Methodist Church in White Plains, New York.

(Abraham See(7), Abraham(6), Albert(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Was born 19 September 1854, died 20 June 1938. She married 20 March 1875, George A. Babcock, born in Dutchess County, New York, 25 October 1853, died in North Tarrytown, New York, 23 July 1934.

George and Melissa (Minnerly) Babcock had:

119 i Mabel born 9 July 1878, died in Buffalo, New York, 22 January 1960. (Buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, North Tarrytown.) She married George Zinck, born 25 August 1878, at North Tarrytown, on 7 September 1899. He died 19 August 1971. George and Mabel (Babcock) Zinck had: Mabel (no further information) and Helen, born 23 May 1900, married 2 February 1924, Douglas M. Reid. Issue.
120 ii William who married Flora VanAiken and had (surname Babcock) : William, George and Fred.
121 iii Frederick.
122 iv Eva who married David Dickson and had: Alice, unmarried; Eva Melissa who married Grant Snyder and had one son; George who married Marjory McDowell; and Helen who married Robert McDowell. Issue..

At this time (1978) Eva Melissa and her husband, Grant Snyder, George and Helen are deceased.


(William(5), Jacobus(4), Albert(3), Albert(2), Minne(1))
Married ------- and had Watson and Clara. Clara married Walter Sackett and had Hattie and others. Walter Sackett was executor of Capt. Elijah Minnerly's will.

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The names of Edward's children and the relationship of Walter Sackett were found in a letter written in the 1930's by Harvey Ferris Minnerly's daughter, Mary E.M. Peters. The letter is in the possession of this writer.
